Actions Speak Louder Than Propaganda


I am not going to try and quote the uncountable studies and what-not to say one way or another whether these things are worth the trouble or not. I have decided to look to the amazing Prime Minister of Canada for guidance. Some people say he is stoooopid. I disagree. He pointed out that anybody who would not take the experimental gene therapy drug that killed all the monkeys during testing was an anti-science, racist woman hater.

Well, I certainly don’t want to be one of those! Trudeau says that the juice was rigorously tested and that it is safe and effective. That seems pretty good to me. I seem to be getting some mixed messages though and have some questions.

If the testing was so rigorous, why didn’t they know that it would only be effective for 6 months?

Trudeau says they knew all along that we would need a booster shot but thought we were to immature to handle that idea so he waited until we had already committed to the first two jabs. Kind of like a trick for our own good. Thank you Trudeau.

Trudeau told us we would need a vaccine passport and that it would protect all the jabbed from the unjabbed. Thank you mister Trudeau for your thoughtful consideration of the slaves you have in your kingdom. That does bring up another question though.

If the Jab is so effective, why are the jabbed afraid of the unjabbed?

Mister Trudeau points out that the unjabbed are racist woman haters for which there is no vaccine. Thank god he cleared that up!

If the Jab is so safe, why are there so many people talking about adverse events and deaths shortly after taking it?

Again only anti-science woman hating racists think about the consequences of experimenting with new drugs. Grow up!

What real world examples does mister Trudeau have of the benefits of being jabbed?

trudeau under bedThere are a fringe minority of fifty to one hundred thousand trucks headed to Ottawa at the moment of writing this. These racist anti science scumbags want some answers.  Fortunately mister Trudeau has been triple jabbed so he can use the corona as an “opportunity” to hide from the couple of guys that are against his tyrannical policies. It seems that the jabs work soooo well that if you heard of somebody that knows somebody who tested positive for the rona, you must absolve all duties as leader of a nation and go hide under you bed to avoid answering for your actions.

What is he hiding from?

Trudeau says he is following health guidelines. Maybe he is and this is where I might think that the racist woman haters might have a point. Government of Canada is still advertising that the jab Keeps You Safe. How exactly? If I come in contact with someone who has it I still have to go hide under my bed for 5 days? Is that because I might get sick and spread it to others? That doesn’t sound very effective to me mister Trudeau. How is that different from someone who didn’t take the Jab?

I think you will have to face those anti-science truckers and make a logical argument for your actions. I know you are not very good at logical arguments and usually default to calling anyone who disagrees with you a racist.

A good start would be to come out from under your bed mister Trudeau and give a fearless unjabbed trucker a big sloppy kiss. I think that would really go a long way to convincing me that the jab is safe and effective. If not, please shut up with your hateful and divisive speeches. Leaders unite the country. Tyrants divide it.

ass fat

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