Rybelsus for Type 2 Diabeties

All I can say about this medication is wow! This article is from S. D. Wells at Citizens News March 17, 2022:

New oral, glucose-lowering medication Rybelsus serves up nearly every horrific side effect ever listed on anything – how is this legal?

Just because someone has type-2 diabetes does not mean they are ready to die from kidneys shutting down, breathing difficulty, heart attack, cancerous thyroid and neck tumors and/or pancreas failure. These are just a few of the serious side effects caused by Rybelsus, the new “medicine” that also warns you to tell your doctor if you’re taking any vitamins or herbal supplements. Really?

That must be because the supplements might save you from the almost certain hospitalization required after taking this deadly drug.

In studies with animals, Rybelsus caused thyroid tumors, including thyroid cancer. Is this a trade-off for treating diabetes 2? Yet, a 55-year-old with type-2 diabetes can expect to live another 20 years or more, so why risk thyroid cancer? Even a 75-year-old person with type-2 diabetes generally lives another 10 years, yet a person’s risk of kidney failure goes up with the use of Rybelsus, including any current kidney problems worsening, possibly killing the patient that same year.

If any natural remedy came with the INSANE side effect warnings like new Rybelsus for type-2 diabetes, the FDA and CDC would OUTLAW it.

Ever since pharmaceuticals were allowed to be advertised direct-to-consumer on television 25 years ago, there has been a fine line drawn between the people who ignore all the insane side effects and those people who recognize the severity and would never even consider taking them.

Strangely enough, only the United States and New Zealand allow this kind of advertising. Either the rest of the world doesn’t have enough consumers who are sick and dumb enough to believe in “medicine” that makes you sicker, or they just don’t want to poison their own people. That brings us to Rybelsus, a new drug for people with type-2 diabetes who are interested in suffering from side effects you couldn’t even imagine in your worst nightmares.

Choking to death from a swollen tongue and throat is a “side effect” of Rybelsus

You cannot make this stuff up. Medicines rigorously advertised on television right now can cause instant death by making your lips, tongue, and throat swell up so badly that you can’t even breathe. Oh, but be sure to “ask your doctor if Rybelsus is right for you.” Shouldn’t it be up to the doctor to determine that, or can Americans just tell the doctor what they want now and voila! Off to the pharmacy for choke-you-to-death “medication.” Be sure to take it “as prescribed,” where the most common side effects put you six feet under faster than an mRNA jab.

The safety instructions for taking Rybelsus are absolutely ridiculous also. It warns you not to drink more than four ounces of water with the pill, and then, after a half hour, you can “eat, drink, or take other oral medicines.” Yet, if you take Rybelsus with insulin, your risk for getting low blood sugar goes UP, which causes confusion, quickened heartbeat, slurred speech and intolerable headaches. Then you won’t even be able to tell anyone what is wrong, while you’re confused, vomiting, having a heart attack and choking to death.

Should you get a lump or swelling in your neck while taking Rybelsus, this may be a symptom of deadly cancer tumors growing due to the medication. Also, you can’t live without your pancreas or at least one kidney, so stop using Rybelsus right away when you experience SEVERE PAIN in your stomach area or back that “will not go away.”

Remember, the sickest Americans are those who take prescription medications regularly. Most of these patients are chronically sick patients for life, and they never heal from preventable and curable diseases and disorders that medical doctors pretend they can only “treat” with deadly drugs.

You won’t see all these INSANE side effects listed for natural remedies, supplements, herbal tinctures, vitamins and minerals, so it may be time to call a naturopathic physician or nutritionist for some healthy advice.

This above article is from S. D. Wells at Citizens News March 17, 2022

My Thoughts

I have successfully managed my diabetes for years now through diet and exercise and I am no saint. I still have a few beers once a week and enjoy foods I love. I was told to take 10 pills a day to manage it 4 years ago. I wonder what side effects I would be dealing with now?

As always, this is just my opinion. Always think for yourself.

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