peaceful protests

What the Hell?


It seems that to achieve political goals, all you have to do is declare a state of emergency and you can completely change the rules and definitions of things in order to vilify your political opponent or justify the government narrative.

It seems that having a block party with bouncy castles for the kids, street hockey games, shoveling snow and feeding homeless people has so terrified the residents of Ottawa that the Government has decided to use never before measures to persecute these bouncing, barbeque loving, hockey player terrorists for their unacceptable views.

Bouncy Castles = Terrorists

trucks peacefully destroyedMeanwhile in Houston BC, the Coastal GasLink pipeline was “trashed by a mob”. There were no bouncy castles or hockey games at this trashing so thankfully it was not the work of terrorists. No need for the government to get involved in this one, as trashing pipelines is an acceptable view according to our brainy Prime Minister.

The attackers also “wielded axes” and “fired flare guns at workers”.

BC Public Safety Minister Mike Farnworth denounced this activity as “egregious criminal activity” but not terrorism as this is similar to setting off fireworks without a permit or barbequing a hot dog. No emergency measures required here as it is totally peaceful.

I don’t know when logic and common sense ceased to be a thing but it obviously has. Up is down, boys are girls or neither, peace is war and war is peace. I feel we are witnessing in real time and in living color the downfall of civilization.

Am I next?

I write this tiny blog that only a few people read and I am now wondering if the Canadian government will view my thoughts as unacceptable and therefore seize my bank account, take away my drivers license and my car, after all, I spark up the old barbeque every once in a while. I hope they don’t use that admission in court. Oh yeah, they bypassed the need for court, straight to the gulag for me. 

The powers that the government unjustly granted itself should terrify everyone.

*Comments in quotes are from the article on page 4 of the Vancouver Province of February 18, 2022

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