What can I do to help Australian Mice

If you haven’t heard about this, check out this video.

It is really terrifying what is happening to people in this area where millions of mice are completely taking over and destroying crops, homes and lives.  I would think that the average response would be “Gee wiz, how are they going to get rid of all those mice?” This new normal we live in where any lunatic can shout out a ridiculous opinion via the internet for all the world to see has thrown all reasonable thought out the window. I am of course referring to PETA’s insistence that the poor mice will suffer horribly if poisoned.

The spokesperson for PETA who claims not to be an idiot says that their usual advice for dealing with rodents is to catch and release. Huh? Release where? She suggests that the government should have acted sooner by providing birth control for the mice. So what does that look like? Little mouse condoms? Isn’t it the little girl mouse’s responsibility to take the pill? I can’t believe anybody could say this with a straight face.

Should there be funerals for these mice? Should we weep? Say I have a shitload of mice/rats in my house. If I don’t want to be on the business end of a nasty tweet storm from PETA then I should round them up in an ethical way (???), put them in an air conditioned bus, drive them out to the country and release them with adequate birth control and finger painting supplies so they can live out their golden years in peace?

NO!!! They are vermin who have outnumbered any natural enemies except me (I believe humans are still on the top of the food chain), they carry disease and are my enemy. Sorry PETA. It’s ratmagedon at my house. Optionaly, what’s the address of PETA headquarters?

By the way 2 mice make 4 to 6 more mice every 28 days. Enjoy!


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