The economy of the future might be called the “spaceman economy,” in which the earth has become a single spaceship, without unlimited reservoirs of anything.

– Kenneth Boulding – January 18, 1910 – March 18, 1993

It is now the economy of the future and I must say old Kenneth was spot on except for there does seem to be an unlimited supply of BS.

The United States is in the greatest economy that there ever was (at the time I wrote this), says the manufacturers of the BS. Had we known earlier that having a pandemic and all those millions of extra unemployed along with tens of thousands of now bankrupt and closed businesses would get us there we would have had the pandemic sooner.

Oh yes, having the government print endless amounts of cash and giving it away, really really helps. It’s like having a hamburger stand and giving away hamburgers to everyone whether they want them or not. Rack up more debt than you could ever pay back doing it and then claim that you have the best hamburger stand in the world because you “sell” so many hamburgers.

The sheer genius of it all really humbles me.

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