Weird Diabetes Symptoms

There are many common diabetes symptoms that you are already familiar with but there are some that you may not have come across. These things are so bad that a person who is thinking correctly would run straight to the doctor upon discovery. Unfortunately when you are this far gone it is impossible to think clearly as ultra high sugar and insulin really impairs your judgement. It took me until I was basically a dead man walking to finally get some help. If you have either of these two symptoms then you should get to a doctor immediately. Some doctors may not have even heard of these.

Growth on your teeth

I started to get a coral like growth on the inside of my teeth. A sane person would have at least gone to the dentist to have it checked out. Not me. I took a metal pick and scraped it off as best I could. It was very hard and difficult to remove. I damaged my teeth in the process of implementing my home remedy. If you have this then you are most likely very sick. At the very least go see a dentist who will hopefully be familiar with its cause.

Dirty toilet

What!? Yeah, a dirty toilet. If you have this symptom then even your toilet is trying to warn you. When you are in a very diabetic state you have an unquenchable thirst. You will drink everything from soda to fruit juice which if course is the worst thing you could do. All of those things just add more sugar to your system. Plain old water is what your body is asking for. It is trying to flush sugar out because it can’t deal with what it already has.

Guess what? Your urine is coming out very sweet and you are peeing a lot. There is bacteria in that toilet water. Bacteria loves sugar. If you are some kind of scientist and say that’s not quite right then I’m sorry. This is what happened to me. I noticed that every morning the toilet bowl was black with mildew below the waterline. I would clean it and the next day it would be back. I thought there was something wrong with the water. I used every kind of mildew fighter and disinfectant available and yet, the next day it was back.

It’s an emergency

If you have these 2 symptoms then you need to get some help right away. When I got my diabetes under control these were the first two things to stop happening. I talk a lot about controlling diabetes naturally on this blog and talk about pharmaceutical drugs as a last resort. This is last resort time. In order to bring yourself back you have to get out of the danger zone first and if you have these symptoms then you are definitely in the danger zone.

I took the pills at first and was able to wean myself off them gradually through a change of diet. I followed the Diabetes Freedom Course which was a good guide. There are many courses and books out there on the subject which I invested in. The reality is that most of them have a slightly different twist on the same ideology which does give it credence. It is now generally accepted that type 2 diabetes is a dietary condition and in my opinion, after my experience, I have to agree.

The top 10 foods to reverse diabetes

There really is no magic formula or easy way out. Whenever you see an ad claiming to have the “secret” list of the best foods to reverse diabetes, don’t get excited. They’re all the same things. No secret at all. They are:

  • Cruciferous vegetables  such as cauliflower, cabbage, kale, garden cress, bok choy, broccoli, Brussels sprouts, and similar green leaf vegetables
  • Fatty fish such as salmon, tuna and sardines
  • lean meats – not everybody agrees but this works for me
  • extra virgin olive oil
  • Lemons
  • Avocado – superfood
  • Spices such as cinnamon, turmeric and cayenne pepper (use any spices & herbs you like, I have never heard anything negative about them)
  • Cucumbers, onions and tomatoes
  • Nuts. Walnuts are at the top of the list with peanuts at the bottom
  • Whole fruit – never just the juice

This is just a partial list but you get the idea. The more raw whole food you can incorporate into your diet the better. It is hard to switch to these things as a preference but if you put in the effort you will start to enjoy great foods and feel better.

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